Costochondritis and hormone or ovarian cysts problems?

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Has anyone else suffering from costochondritis had a history of hormone problems or ovarian cysts? Please let me know 

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    I was diagnosed with Costco Chondritis 3 days ago... and I have hirtodry of ovarian cysts.. is there a relationship between the two? 
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      I think there is. I also had many massive cysts. Had 8 laparoscopies, they were growing within 2-4 weeks. And a year after going on hormone replacement therapy for the cysts I got costochondritis. I read a blog about a lady suffering from costochondritis and she mentioned her ovarian cysts which made me think. Then I started googling... When you Google whether there is a link between costochondritis and ovarian cysts things come up like : ovarian cysts with chest pain or rib pain etc. And many many many people I've also read a few blogs with MANY people wondering why they have the 2 together. Which also made me think... Here in South Africa Dr's are specialized in different fields so like I had a gynae for my ovaries and a cardio thoracic surgeon and general surgeon for my chest. So I think that the 2 are generally not thought of together. Also, I'm sure you've noticed that costochondritis is predominantly found in females. And when I've read about a male that has costochondritis... It's from some kind of trauma or lifting weights or something whereas most woman don't know where theirs started. 

      So... I'm trying to find out if there's a pattern so that perhaps more research can be done into it. Because I've been told by 8 different specialists that there is no cure for costochondritis. 

      However... Mine very oddly just completely disappeared after I had my baby (which the gynae's said I would never be able to have)... And my ovaries are also sorted since having my baby.... 

      I had literally tried everything for my costochondritis prior. Had injections in my chest, physio 3 times a week. Cortisone treatments, muscle rexalers etc etc. 

      Did your costochondritis start before your cysts or after ?? 

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      Sorry . I read your reply again and see you were only diagnosed with costochondritis 3 days ago. So the answer is yes.. Your costochondritis started after your ovarian cysts. Ask you Dr if it could possibly have something to do with inflammation from hormones or something like that, I'm not a Dr but perhaps they can help you with your hormones instead of giving you all kinds of steroids and pain medication that doesn't really work and the pain gets worse etc... Worth a shot right? 

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      Definitely!!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I am glad you are feeling better... I will tell my doctor to work on my hormones and see if that will help, also I’m feeling that I have another cyst growing in there they usually disappear on their own.. 
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      Let me know what your doc says, would be interesting. Have you ever tried any hormone treatments  for your cysts? 
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      Again, I'm no Dr but after seeing many gynae's for my cysts and having them tell me there's nothing they can do except to remove my ovaries, I was eventually put on provera and that stopped my cysts from growing as big. (must mention... It also did make me extremely "hormonal", I would not recommend taking it for too long. Made me very crazy) 

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    I have recently been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and I also suspect that I have Costochondritis as well. Never really experienced it until now. Thank you for writing this post. I have been driving myself up a wall.

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    Hello Kelly. I want to reply to you. I will later. And tell you my story. I'm so glad I found this!!! I'm almost in tears even. Cause I feel so alone in my struggle.

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    I cant believe I typed this in the search bar & found other women who are dealing with this as well. An abdominal CT found an ovarian cyst on my left ovary a little over a month ago (I had had an ultrasound 4 days prior that apparently missed it). I'm assuming it's till there & has possibly grown because my pain has been getting a lot worse. I've also dealt with chest pain that I have suspected to be Costochondritis for about 3 years. I've been to the ER several times to rule out heart issues & am always left with being told it's a pulled chest muscle.

    Last night I woke up & sat up in bed & felt immediate pain on the left side of my pelvic area that radiated upwards toward my chest. It really scared me but eventually dissipated. All day I've had horrible cramping again & pain in my left plank that is running up my ribs. When I press my ribs they feel tender & my chest has been aching on/off again all day.

    I really have to wonder if the two are connected because though I tend to have Costochondritis flares pretty often, they usually don't affect my ribs like this. Pain seems much worse now that I have this cyst too.

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    I was tentatively diagnosed with Costochondritis last April after a terrifying visit to the ER. I've done EEG, Xrays, bloodwork, a heart monitor, etc and it's not my heart. I also have [Endometrosis](,the%20tissue%20lining%20your%20pelvis.), which is a hormonal nightmare. It's basically an estrogen fueled disease. So I am on hormonal IUD (Mirena). In recent months I found a breast tumor (not cancer, thankfully). I am also working with my OBGYN on why I have really tender under breasts often, which they think is a hormal issue and likely related to being on the IUD (which I need for my endo). I had a golf ball size cyst removed (i think from my ovary) 10 years ago.

    One night I was massaging my pec muscle where my costco pain happens and found a second lump, it is very hormonally sensitive. My surgeon things it's a lymph node that's upset. We aren't sure if it's hormonal or related to the costco. It could be working overtime to help witht he inflammation, it could be pinched, infected, etc. I have an MRI coming up soon to check on the ribs and second lump.

    Hope this data point helps. I'd be curious what you're learning about the connection.

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    Yes! last month i had severe lower abdomen pain from an ovarian cyst popping, I had an ultrasound to confirm. Then a week later i began to have increasingly bad chest pain that started on the upper left and moved to the center of my chest and downwards. I went to the ER multiple times because I was unable to breathe and the pain was very scary. Both times they said my heart and blood was perfectly healthy. The second time I went they said it was Costochondritis but they werent sure. The pain didnt go away for two weeks and I still have random chest pains and a hard time taking deep breaths. im not sure if there is still an issue or if im just paranoid of it coming back.

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    Glad that I came across this thread as I have noticed a definite link between my hormones/monthly cycle and the chest pain I get, which I have recently been told is Tietze Syndrome (similar to costochondritis but is chronic and has physical and visible swelling)

    10 years ago I was told it was costochondritis. At around the same time I was also diagnosed with endometriosis and had a laparoscopy to remove some of it. After surgery the low abdominal pain did decrease however i still had the chest wall pain.

    I am now 30, I've had 2 children in the last 4.5 years and through both my pregnancies up until 12 months ago i had no endometriosis or lower abdominal pain.

    However I am now in agony with chest pains which peaks just after my period and lasts for around 2 weeks. My endometriosis pain has never been bad since my operation 10 years ago.

    I would be interested in any updates or studies happening between the link.


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